Subject: From RC#227 with love!
Posted on: 2019-02-23 02:20:00 UTC

NOTE: All #a responses are from Falchion, and all #b ones are from Lilac.

1a. Falchion, Skarmory, Pokémon (the Black and White generation specifically).
1b. Lilac Mauveridge, human I guess, and I actually started existence as a duplicate of Violet Parr from The Incredibles; my current appearance is from a RWBY-verse AU.

2a. Floaters, current partner is Lilac Mauveridge.
2b. Floaters as well, and unfortunately, I'm with the stupid tin turkey, as his old partner used to call him.

3a. My author is currently like, 25 or so. I'm his self-insert so I'm about the same age.
3b. As of now, 19 going on 20 (I joined in Feburary of 2017).

4a. As a human, 5'7", 155 pounds. As a Skarmory, also 5'7", but 111 pounds.
4b. 5'5", 130 pounds. No, I'm not sensitive about my weight.

5a. Bisexual.
5b. Nobody's asked me that, but since canon!Violet's dating a guy in canon, I'll go with being straight.

6a. What's an IQ?
6b. They didn't test for IQ in Beacon, at least last I checked...

7a. Boxers. They're comfy and easy to wear!
7b. Ask me anything about the size of my intimate anatomy and you'll get a faceful of Gorgoneion for an answer.

8a. My Hunter's Power Bow I, from Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. It's what I use to pull off TM80, Rock Slide!
8b. Not on my at the moment, but my Multi-Purpose Kinetic Shield-Maul, Gorgoneion, has always been my go-to weapon for bashing in the faces of Grimm, and Suvians for that matter.

9a. Um, nope?
9b. Existing, I guess. Or I would've been if Sarah hadn't stepped in.

10a. Yes, alas. Haven't been able to find anyone in the Flying egg group since I joined.
10b. Also yes.

11a. Oh, I have, plenty of times! I mean, it does get a little lonely at times here in Headquarters...
11b. No. Again, I'm straight as an arrow.

12a. Outside of World One obscenities, probably anything invoking Arceus. I do also use "flock" in place of, well, a certain word that rhymes with "duck".
12b. For me it's taking the Maidens' name in vain, with doing the same with Remnant as a whole being a close second. Though again, I've started becoming quite fond of World One swearing...

13a. I've got a surprisingly strong stomach, so I honestly don't know. I guess the only time I'll ever regurgitate is when feeding my young, if I ever do raise a family!
13b. I'll... pretend I didn't hear the bit about feeding young. But for me it was probably during the loss of my legs, for multiple obvious reasons.

14a. I might have ADHD, and I may be on the autistic spectrum, but I haven't gotten officially diagnosed, so I can't be sure.
14b. PTSD, I think, from both the horrors I witnessed during the fall of Beacon and the aforementioned incident that left me double-amputated. Especially the latter.

15a. Fire. That, and public humiliation.
15b. Odd as it may be for my being basically a darkfic version of Violet, I get horrifying flashbacks at the sight of blood. Glitter doesn't trigger nearly as adverse a reaction, but it's still there. Why, though? Well, see my answers to the last two questions.

16a. Uh, no?
16b. Nobody's asked me to.

17a. Does diet soda count?
17b. I've gotten hopelessly drawn to Dr. Bleepper. In my defense, it helps me forget what happened to me prior to my ending up in HQ...

18a. I'm not entirely sure, since killing badfic has always been a dangerous profession and I can speak from experience. But if I had to pick any occasion, there was probably this one time with a Spinosaurus...
18b. Again, when I lost my legs to an unidentified predatory entity. If it hadn't tossed me through a plot hole by accident, I would've been eaten, or otherwise died from loss of glitter.

19a. Don't think so, at least last I checked.
19b. Same.

20a. Also, no.
20b. Also same.

21a. Um, wha?
21b. I'm not gonna answer that on pain of someone getting shield-bashed.

20a. No, why?
20b. Seriously?!

23a. Let’s say that HQ was about to explode, and you could save one other person in here. Who would you choose?

24a. Probably after my last mission. Who hasn't?
24b. Gorgoneion hungers for people's foreheads...

25a. Never have, alas. Doesn't help that I have a beak rather than lips.
25b. Not that I know of, at least last I checked.

26a. See my answer to Question 25.
26b. Again, same.

27a. I do talk to myself quite a bit, especially when doing inner debates, so I guess that counts?
27b. Not when they keep screaming about war flashbacks all the time.

28a. I was raised in a nest, so I can't really answer that.
28b. At Beacon? I wouldn't say made fun of, exactly, but then again, nobody really noticed me. I'm kinda good at that.

29a. Well... If anyone happens upon Rashida anywhere in the multiverse, could you tell her I miss her? I understand if she doesn't want to come back again, though...
29b. Hmmph.

30a. I'm glad I've provided answers to all your questions, at least, so there's that!
30b. Can I leave now? That volume of My Hero Academia isn't gonna finish itself.

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