Subject: Okay, so it's three days late, but here's Curff.
Posted on: 2019-02-27 01:00:00 UTC

1. Ahh yes! Welcome to the interview! Please introduce yourself: name, species, continuum of origin?

Turff-Croft, Lupin, I am told I am from a homebrew D&D setting.

2. So, what department are you in, and who is your partner?

The talking flower seemed to think my talents were best suited to the Department of Mary Sues. My partner is a human by the name of Larkus Grun. An agreeable enough man, I must admit, in spite of his regrettably hidebound former occupation.

3. Let’s start with the basic questions. How old are you?

Roughly fifty-two. Spending time in the Feywild and like realms tends to complicate such things.

4. Height and weight?

Am I being interviewed or tailored? Hmph, if you must know, Six foot seven, one hundred seventy pounds.

5. Sexual orientation?

I have had little interest in intimate relationships of any sort since my last lover attempted to poison me. Before then, however, I preferred the courtship of women.

6. IQ?

I have no idea. Perhaps after I am finished wasting my time on this interview someone can instruct me on how to waste it finding the answer to this question.

7. Bra size? / Boxers or briefs?

I have little interest in discussing my undergarments.

8. Let’s cut the boring questions. Firstly, how many weapons are currently on your person?

Four. The dagger on my belt, the staff in my hand, my fangs, and the ability to reshape reality to my will. You would do well to remember that last one.

9. Are you wanted for any crimes?

Undoubtedly. I have had a long and storied career.

10. And the age-old ‘Are you a virgin?

I am not. Kindly leave it at that before I become irritated.

11. Do you ever fantasize about same-sex relations?

Do the words 'irritated' and 'reshape reality' mean nothing to you?

12. Lovely. So, what is your favorite curse word?

Are you referring to profanities or dark magic? In the former case I am quite fond of a dwarven pejorative roughly translating to 'one who will be crushed by their own poor works'. It bears a pleasing auditory resemblance to cracking stone.
As for the latter possibility... well, best not speak it here. Such things have power even in the merest utterance.

13. When was the last time you threw up?

Last winter. I spilled a decanter of truly noxious liquid. This nose is not simply for show, you know. The smell was unbearable.

4. Have any mental illnesses?

My former comrades would say paranoia and obsession. I prefer to think of it as self-preservation and dedication.

15. What is your biggest phobia?

Phobias are by definition irrational, my fears are well founded.

16. Do you crossdress often?

I have never done so. Never, do you hear me? ...Tch, fine, once. It was necessary. No one else was tall enough to--Oh, by Renard, it doesn't matter! We are moving on now.

17. Have any addictions?

None. I am master of my mind and my body.

18. What is the closest you have ever been to dying? Or have you ever died?

I have little interest in reliving such an experience, so I shall simply say that my fur only acquired its present ashen gray coloration after my party's expedition to a place known as Dragon Mountain.

19. Have the FicPsych nurses ever taken you away?

They have little reason to, but I should like to see them try should that change.

20. Are the FicPsych nurses after you?

Have I not answered this question?

21. Do you snore?

Certainly not.

22. Are you drooling right now?

I am seated directly in front of you, make your own observations.

23. Let’s say that HQ was about to explode, and you could save one other person in here. Who would you choose?

I know no one here well save Larkus, so I imagine I would choose him.

24. When was the last time you used the toilet?

Do you enjoy annoying people?

25. Have you ever kissed a girl? / a boy? / another species?

I have.

26. Did you like it?

If such acts were not enjoyable none would participate in them.

27. The little voices in your head. Do you talk to them?

I do not talk, I listen.

28. Were you made fun of in school? Why?

I did not attend a true school until I joined the Ashen Hill after I came of age. I encountered certain rivalries, but a place of magical learning is an unwise place to deride one's peers. Unkind words in a place where words can shape the world around you are a recipe for disaster.

29. I can’t think of a question to ask you. Have any comments?

The Saints themselves weep at the precious moments of life wasted in this room.

30. This interview has ended? Are you gleeful? Or would you like to complete our 100 question survey over thumbtacks?

Have you ever been to the elemental plane of Ash? I am unsure if I have the power to banish you there in my present state, but I am willing to try if you do not leave.

OOC: Well, that was fun. Came off a bit more hostile than I expected, but it makes sense. Curff is a grumpy old dogman.
Also, thanks for the nostalgia bomb. I actually had to dig up Curff's character sheet to answer some of these. Lotta good memories in that old thing.

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