Subject: The DoSAT Trio
Posted on: 2019-02-23 22:52:00 UTC

((Changing up the formatting for this to make it a bit easier on the eyes.))

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1. Ahh yes! Welcome to the interview! Please introduce yourself: name, species, continuum of origin?

Alex: Technician Alex Dives, human, from World One.

Olivine: Olivine! I'm a Peridot Gem, from Steven Universe!

Farilan: Farilan-Haothil-Esthine, and if you really must ask my species and continuum, I shall have to ask you in turn if you need to have your IQ tested.

2. So, what department are you in, and who is your partner?

O: We're all in DoSAT.

A: No partners, but some people are unlucky enough to be stuck with interns.

F: And some people are unlucky enough to be stuck with uppity supervising technicians who don't know nearly as much as they think they do.

3. Let’s start with the basic questions. How old are you?

A: I just turned 19!

O: Ooh, gosh, I dunno. A few thousand years, at least.

F: Twenty-seven. Nearly a decade older than Technician Dives, for the record.

4. Height and weight?

A: Six-four. I think I've finally stopped growing. Oh, and a hundred and fifty pounds.

F: Do I have to give it in human units?

A: Yes.

F: Fine. Five and a half feet tall, stalk-eyes included. Approximately two hundred of your Earth pounds.

O: They're everyone's pounds, Farilan.

F: *sniffs*

O: I'm five foot, seven and a half—

A: You can't include your limb enhancers with that!

O: Ffffine. Five feet, and a hundred pounds.

5. Sexual orientation?

O: I'm a rock.

A: ...I think I'm straight? I've never really wondered about it... I know I like girls, anyway. Some girls.

F: You're supposed to like females. You're male.

O: ...You wanna tell her, or should I?

6. IQ?

F: Too high for you to calculate.

O: Someone's feeling smug today.

F: Intellectually superior. There's a difference.

A: ...I mean, I tested at 155...

O: We could've guessed you were a genius, Squishy, you started working on TARDISes and stuff when you were fifteen. That's not normal.

7. Bra size? / Boxers or briefs?

F: What are those?

O: Again: I'm a rock.

A: Uh... boxer briefs?

8. Let’s cut the boring questions. Firstly, how many weapons are currently on your person?

O: Well, my arm enhancers also have built-in minuature blowtorches and a stun gun function.

A: Does my sonic screwdriver count as a weapon?

F: I am not in possession of any manufactured weapons, but I believe my tail-blade is sufficient for defense.

9. Are you wanted for any crimes?

All: No.

10. And the age-old ‘Are you a virgin?’

A: Yeeeees?

O: I. Am. A. Rock. Wait, do fusions count?

F: No.

O: Oh, please, like you've ever bothered to learn about Gem culture. But for the record, once again: I am a rock. What about you, Farilan?

F: Don't you think that's a bit intrusive?

A: *muttering* Who'd want to sleep with her?

O: Besides Ilraen?

F: One more word out of you and you'll be spending the next month poofed in your gem.

O: Moving on!

11. Do you ever fantasize about same-sex relations?

O: I am a—

F: If you say you're a rock one more time—

A: Anyway, moving on!

12. Lovely. So, what is your favorite curse word?

F: Don't be so crass.

A: My sister taught me this really fun Gallifreyan one, but... uh, I forget how to say it because it was like fourteen syllables. It basically means 'your timeline is wasted on your existence'.

O: Latin has some really creative swears...

13. When was the last time you threw up?

F: Allow me to say it before the Gem does: she is a rock.

O: And you don't have a mouth.

A: Unfortunately, I do. Meatloaf surprise last week in the Cafeteria. Not fun.

14. Have any mental illnesses?

A: Nah, I think my sister got all the crazy genes in the family.

F: I'd be willing to debate that.

A: Love you, too.

O: I can be a little neurotic at times, but I think I'm otherwise fine.

A: You spent half an hour rearranging the staples in your stapler to make sure they were in the right order.

O: Okay, maybe more than a little neurotic, but that doesn't prove anything.

15. What is your biggest phobia?

A: ...Losing my sister again. I know unless something really bad happens again, she's going to outlive me by thousands of years, but... I already lost her once and that was bad enough.

O: Squishy...

F: She's back now and takes pleasure in interrupting our work all the time, Technician Dives, get a hold of yourself.

A: Well, why don't you share with the class what your phobia is, then?

F: *sniffs* Phobias are an irrational response to something. I am not an irrational creature.

O: Yeah? I mean, I'm basically a living computer, but my programming doesn't prevent me from being terrified of being subsumed by canon and losing my individuality because Peridots are basically drudge technicians in Gem society and I'd be expected to just fall in line like the good little drone I am—

A: Next question please!

16. Do you crossdress often?

O: ...I'm genderless. How would I crossdress?

F: And I don't wear clothing. I'm starting to get the feeling these questions are mostly geared towards Technician Dives—

A: And I don't crossdress.

17. Have any addictions?

All: No.

18. What is the closest you have ever been to dying? Or have you ever died?

A: No, thank god.

F: I believe humans use the term 'ditto'.

A: Now look who's lowering herself to human behaviors.

F: It's called cross-cultural understanding. Perhaps you should research it sometime.

O: I've been poofed a few times, which I guess is sorta like dying.

19. Have the FicPsych nurses ever taken you away?

A: They took me in for an assessment after R...Ave ran away, but that's it.

O: Clean record here.

F: I'm the picture of mental health.

A: *coughs*

F: Is that supposed to mean something?

20. Are the FicPsych nurses after you?

A: ...Didn't we answer that with the last question?

F: I'm beginning to think this interview isn't being conducted in good faith.

21. Do you snore?

O: I am—

F: *tail twitches*

A: —a rock. I don't snore, either.

22. Are you drooling right now?

F: These are very human-centric questions.

O: Much as I hate to say it, she's right.

A: ...And I'm not drooling. They're human-centric, but just... weird.

23. Let’s say that HQ was about to explode, and you could save one other person in here. Who would you choose?

A: Zeke. I know Ave and Zeb will take care of Elanor.

O: Charlotte. No offense to her, because I love her dearly, but she could probably die tripping over her own shoelaces if Ix wasn't there to protect her.

F: Nobody.

A: Really? Nobody? Not even—?

F: Not even Ilraen, no!

A: I didn't say Ilraen, you did.~

F: Harumph.

24. When was the last time you used the toilet?

A&F: You're a rock.

O: I am a rock!

25. Have you ever kissed a girl? / a boy? / another species??

A: I kissed Katie once, at the New Year's party.

O: Wait, you did?! Squishy, why didn't you tell us?

F: Perhaps because he knew such personal details are irrelevant to work and completely uninteresting.

26. Did you like it?

A: *blushes*


F: Would you please SHUT UP?!

27. The little voices in your head. Do you talk to them?

F: I am the voices in your head.

A: Well, you're not wrong there.

O: Why did the voices have to be so shrill?

28. Were you made fun of in school? Why?

A: Not as much as my sister, since she kind of looked out for me and made sure people didn't give me a hard time. And once I got to high school, I was pretty popular.

F: You have schools that are high?

O: He means the later stages of education that aren't upper-level university. Anyway, the only Kindergarten I've been to is the one I was born in—

F: I thought Kindergarten was for learning, not... giving birth!

O: Remind me to give you a crash course on Gem culture sometime.

F: I shall. As for my answer, I was the top of my class, which naturally made me the most popular.

A: Is that actually a thing with Andalites, or just something you told yourself?

F: I'm confident in my superiority, Technician Dives, not delusional about how much people enjoy my company. I know you and Technician Olivine dislike me quite heartily and I have done nothing to encourage anything else. I'm here to do my job, not win a popularity contest.

A: ...

O: ...

F: Are we nearly done here?

29. I can’t think of a question to ask you. Have any comments?

F: This has been a pointless waste of time.

A: Yeah, I gotta agree with that.

O: Thirded.

30. This interview has ended? Are you gleeful? Or would you like to complete our 100 question survey over thumbtacks?

All: *get up and walk away*

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((...So that was an interesting experiment. Learned a lot about Olivine and Farilan, that's for sure.))

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