Subject: And one concept.
Posted on: 2019-02-22 02:29:00 UTC

(Giriana is a character from an RPverse I've toyed with bringing into the PPC. As an agent, she's very much a work in progress.)


1. Giriana. I'm a dragon of Antarsia

2. ESAS, with no partner.

3. I'm 40.

4. 5'8 and 16 tonnes.

5. As bi as I can be.

6. What's an IQ?

7. B

8. None. But I can make more whenever I wish.

9. No

10. Never with men.

11. All the time.

12. I... actually don't have one.

13. When I lost my eyes.

14. I'm gonna say yes, but technically no.

15. Being caged.

16. Yes. Women's clothes are so uncomfortable.

17. ... No.

18. When I lost my eyes.

19. Once, when I was having coping issues.

20. Not that I'm aware of.

21. No.

22. Why would I be drooling?

23. I'd have to think on that. Feloriel maybe? She's been through enough.

24. Why do you need to know that?

25. Yes, yes, and oh boy yes.

26. I don't know. I think I need to do it more to figure it out.

27. I used to... Now the silence just makes me sad.

28. They wouldn't dare.

29. Not really.

30. I am happy for small mercies.

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