Subject: "Fine. I have nothing but time now anyways."
Posted on: 2019-02-21 23:05:00 UTC

1.) I am Leonidas, a posthuman Astartes of the Dark Angels Chapter of Space Marines in *Warhammer 40,000*.
2.) Floaters at the moment. My partner is Samuel (Sammy: IT'S SAMMY DARN IT) McLeod of *Gundam Build Fighters*.
3.) I lost count around the third century of my life.
4.) Approximately seven Terran feet, and the weight of a small ground vehicle when armored.
5.) I haven't bothered to figure it out. Duty came first in my setting, and I have a distinct lack of interest for reorganizing my priorities to amend that.
6.) Unknown. I was smart enough to consistently lead a Company of 100 Astartes and support elements to victory in the most brutal combat conditions conceived by the enemies of Mankind.
7.) N/A. I wear robes, power armor, and a bodysuit beneath that. Conventional undergarments are not part of my standard uniform.
8.) Three. Myself--for I am a living weapon, forged in fury, my bolt pistol--an automatic handgun of 0.75 caliber, with self-propelled mass-reactive explosive rounds, and my powered relic blade, forged of meteoric obsidian, a Heavenfall Blade called the Sword of Solitude. Occasionally I will supplement this with various explosives such as frag grenades. Earlier in my home universe, I wielded a power fist and a storm shield in my days as a Veteran Sergeant.
9.) Not by the standards of my home universe.
10.) ...yes. I was recruited at a young age, before I had fully biologically matured.
11.) No; neither do I fantasize about heterosexual relationships.
12.) Frakk.
13.) Due to my implants and modified physiology, I am incapable of being nauseated by most things, including motion sickness. I came close during my first high-velocity deployment from low orbit via drop pod, however.
14.) As far as I am aware, no.
15.) I fear nothing, for I am fear incarnate! However, I do feel concern at the idea dying with my duties unfulfilled.
16.) I do not see the relevance of this question to my personality. But my answer is no.
17.) Most mind-altering substances have no effect on me. However, I do not seek to find the exception; I am not a Space Wolf.
18.) At several points throughout my service to the Emperor, I suffered injuries that would've killed a mortal human several times over. However, being an Astartes, I survived, although with new scars each time. I also nearly died in a duel against an unarmored Astartes, which ended in a technical draw, during my trial of initiation to earn the honor of recruitment. (Although I was not aware of the purpose of the duel at the time.)
19.) No, although they did attempt to restrain me in the immediate aftermath of my arrival as I processed my surroundings.
20.) Not to my knowledge.
21.) True sleep is a rarity; my partner tells me I do not on the rare occasions I enter full sleep.
22.) Hopefully not. My saliva is corrosive enough to burn through metal and if I drooled at this proximity you would be in a great amount of pain.
23.) ...I would save Samuel.
24.) My power armor has waste recycling features incorporated into its systems. I also suspect that bathroom stalls would find it difficult to contain my physique.
25.) Once. My mortal sister, as a farewell before my recruitment into the Dark Angels. I did meet her again years later, but that's a story for another time.
26.) I can't remember. My mind was clouded by conflicting emotions at the time.
27.) I don't hear anything. Are you suggesting that I am suffering from Warp contamination?
28.) I did not ever attend a school; my birthplace was a Feudal world and roughly equivalent to medieval Terra in technological level.
29.) If I find that this information has been misused my retribution shall be both swift and merciless. (Sammy: Ohhh Lord...)
30.) I am indifferent. I suppose I should thank you for your time?

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