Subject: >Attempt rare and highly dangerous 8X INTERVIEW COMBO.
Posted on: 2019-02-22 02:54:00 UTC

Oh, hey there. What's going on?

1. Feloriel Amasteryl, high elf, D&D. Specifically this homebrew world called Elvhend, and a campaign that never got run.

2. DBS, with Ailienas.

3. 203.

4. Six feet, 140 pounds.

5. Gray ace lesbian.

6. I don't know, but my Intelligence score is 14.

7. 30AA, I believe?

8. Two. Mace and crossbow.

9. No.

10. Mm-hmm.

11. On occasion.

12. Ravens.

13. I don't remember. It was a while ago.

14. *tugs at sleeves* That's getting a bit personal, don't you think?

15. Being seen naked, believe it or not.

16. Clerical robes are unisex.

17. Does capsaicin count?

18. *shrugs*

19. Once. Ailienas sicced them on me.

20. Not at the moment.

21. I don't sleep. I'm an elf.

22. No. Why would I be?

23. ...okay, I admit it, I have a crush. But you do *not* get to know who she is!

24. A couple hours ago.

25. The only people I've ever kissed are my brother and the priestess who initiated me into the clergy. They're both high elves, like me.

26. I suppose so.

27. Only to tell them to shut up.

28. Nope.

29. This was odd.

30. Raven Queen be with you!

((The other seven are forthcoming!))

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