Subject: ch. 11, a perfectly even and balanced rune!
Posted on: 2023-06-05 02:16:28 UTC

Alternate title for the year: “Peter Pettigrew and the Non-Stop Series of Heart Attacks”

Ooooooh yes, Neville is leveling up fast in this timeline! I love how confident and outspoken he is already. And he fundamentally understands what too many folks today don’t: the only correct way to engage with supremacists is to NOT ENGAGE. I know that’s putting Harry and co. in a tough spot, almost having to choose between friendships, but Neville is still correct in general, and his sense of betrayal is completely understandable, in-universe.

Astute observation from Harry, that his largely calm and peaceful childhood leave it hard to distinguish what his nicest memories are. He obviously doesn’t have the benefit of knowledge of the original canon, like we do, to compare with the abused Harry, but it makes an interesting comparison all the same.

Oh no, it's the sex ed at Hogwarts! I love that Liu is using loopholes to educate the kids on important things, right under the Board’s noses. And I know observing that Hogwarts is missing a bunch of important classes is a cliché at this point, but yeah, anatomy! That’s not one I had thought about before! Wizards and witches don’t know how their own lungs work! They don’t know how blood circulates! Everything is fine and normal! Oh, but then we get to that bond-enhancing potion . . . “. . . it helps you create Matrimonial Bonds after you are fully grown.” “. . . when a mage has been dosed with a bond-enhancing potion, they’re capable of initiating Matrimonial Bonds through a kiss . . .” This is DRUGS. They are DRUGGING THSES CHILDREN in a way that manipulates their emotions when they get older! Forces them to pair up, and want to reproduce! I hate this! I am so angry now! How many poor ace/aro folks got forced into unwanted bonds when they grew up?!? Aaaaaargh!

Anyway, haha, Pettigrew got catted. Bold choice to kill him offscreen with no explanation; I’m sure the rest of the year will be nice and calm. >.>

—doctorlit finally gets a weekend with no social obligations

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