Subject: Actually...
Posted on: 2018-04-15 01:54:00 UTC

Maybe loving the world around me WAS my test, in a way. I spent a lot of time wishing for something amazing to happen to me, because I figured real life was dull and/or full of uncomfortable things I didn't want to deal with, like politics and religion and everybody else discovering their sexuality while I wasn't. I wanted to be a Planeteer, but I didn't want to, say, run a recycling drive at my school. (I still don't, because gah, responsibility and managing people to their faces, eek.) I wanted something to just come along and happen like magic.

Well, guess what, Kid Nesh: magic doesn't work like that. It's a HUGE responsibility. And you DO have to step up. The Powers might give you the tools for the job, but they won't do it for you.

And if somebody were to come along and offer to make it that easy... Would I have said no then? I don't know. I kinda don't think so.


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