Subject: Bugs. (aka Part II)
Posted on: 2018-04-13 18:38:00 UTC

Of course, there had been a lot more than just reading involved - not that it made Marisa love her new program any less! If she'd had any mobile form of computer, she would have loved to have been able to take it from place to place. As it was, she only got time to progress on the readings in the evenings (as long as she did her normal schoolwork - unlike in the Harry Potter books, she'd learned she was not going to be taken to a faraway place where her home worries would cease to matter), and to practice some of the associated exercises on her own time.

The exercises had also gotten strange - not strange bad, but in the sense that she was learning what seemed like a foreign language (something else her parents would have been pleased with - as it was, they just thought she had gotten increasingly studious and better mannered. There were worse things.), and being tested in her comprehension on that through her readings. And, almost naturally it seemed, there had been writing and vocal exercises to go with it as well.

All to the good, as far as Marisa was concerned, for the stories were amazing. Never before had she seen fiction (or nonfiction) from the perspective of AI that seemed - somehow - so accurate.

Maybe that other worlds thing is real! she thought with glee- only to be brought to reality by a familiarly distressing buzzing.

Such was the pain of being outside - bugs. Sure, she couldn't think of one solid reason they made her so upset; maybe it was the noise they made, that they were so often small and fast (and could get in her face), that they could sting her, or maybe it was because when they got in the house everyone got upset.

So, switching moods from "cheerful at school and her new AR program" to "EXCESSIVE DISTRESS", she screamed.

/Go AWAY, bug!/

It had come out in that new language she'd been learning - but no one else on the playground had looked at her odd. In fact, the only being that really noticed was exactly that bug, which flinched and, somehow surprising Marisa, flew away a short distance.

/Not so loud!/ the bug replied - and Marisa's eyes went wide. /Why don't you just run away from me, like most humans do?/

Marisa had been surprised, so the bug - a bee, maybe? - got an honest answer.

/Uh, okay. I can do that next time...? Just please go away; I don't like bugs,/ she said quickly.

She got an impression of a /harrumph/ from the bee, which then flew away obligingly, back over the nearby fence. Apparently being polite had worked.

Well, her program's agreement had said 'all sentient beings'. She just hadn't really considered that bugs counted.

Learn something new everyday, she thought slowly - then deliberately turned back to the playground, vowing to be more polite to bugs. Maybe they'd leave her alone, then...

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