Subject: Hee...
Posted on: 2018-04-17 18:18:00 UTC

I hate it so much when a proper nerding session is interrupted by mortal peril.

And that was a proper nerding session- I love how they worked through the question, trying to reconcile old knowledge and new, Old Magic, High Magic, and Wizardry, and fiction and narrative and reality. It didn't come across as an info-dump at all, or that they were being pushed towards a specific conclusion.

Structurally speaking, there's a lot of different ways you're using italics- for Speech, for Old Speech, for quotes, for titles, and for emphasis in spoken English- the only other use that comes to mind is for emphasis/effects in the narration. This chapter is pretty clear, but last chapter was less so- please be careful and deliberate with how you're showing how they're being used? There's room for an awful lot of confusion from overloaded italics.

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