Subject: Empathy
Posted on: 2018-04-21 01:16:00 UTC

The 'snapshot' spell was moving along quite speedily - almost too speedily, Marisa thought. She wanted her parents to get this.

"Take a look around," Marisa urged them, thought at them, for her mouth was otherwise occupied speaking the spell. And so they did.

All around them, it seemed as if the world stopped needing walls, and so they had stopped existing. The three of them could perceive where everything was - her brother, there by the entrance to the living room, the viewing window into the kitchen on the other side of the room - through that the windows in the kitchen, and through those, outside. Furthermore, they could 'see' every branch of the trees outside, as if they were frozen in place. The swings out there could also be seen - they weren't perfectly centered, as if a breeze had come in just then to nudge them. Around them, because this was outside, they - Marisa and her parents - could sense the wildlife.

Birds, bugs. A few squirrels, their actions brought to a rare moment of stillness. But beyond them were their neighbors houses, their cars and yards and children and pets and-

"This is what wizards protect, mom, dad. But we can't protect what we don't know about, what we can't connect to. This is Life, and this is what I serve."

Marisa reached the end of the spell, enunciating the syllables of the Wizards' Knot precisely, and the world snapped back into motion - and their perception of it, back to their living room.

Her Dad - Mike - looked at her again, attempting to get his nerves back. "But do you need this power?"

Normally, Marisa suspected, this would be when one or both of her parents would say she couldn't do it - or the Lone Power would speak through them, trying to get her to give up her wizardry willingly.

"If I couldn't be any good as a wizard, it wouldn't have been offered, Dad." She said with absolute certainty.

"And the... outburst, this afternoon?" her Mom - Debbie - added.

"Being a wizard doesn't make me any less human, Mom! It just means I have more ways to figure things out, resources I never would have had otherwise, even with the problems."

They looked defeated, now - or maybe they were still just windswept from the wizardry; she couldn't blame them.

"So, I'm okay with having time out. But when Those who gave me wizardry say I'm needed somewhere, I'm needed there. To help."

"And you'll tell us?" Mom, again - possibly trying to keep Dad from starting a new argument.

"Yes, mom, I'll try. If I can't do it right away I'll call, or email, or something."

And right then, the doorbell rang; Marisa jumped. Mike and Debbie looked at each other.

"Who is that?"

"We, uh, called your speech therapist, in case she could tell us about something we'd missed. She insisted on coming over," her Dad explained - and did Mike actually look sheepish, now? Color Marisa surprised.

"Mrs. Riley? Why?" But she had a feeling she knew. With their mother's approval, Sam (her brother) opened the door - and before anyone could say anything, Mrs. Riley called,

/Dai Stiho, Marisa!/

((AN: Yes, I went cliffhanger on you. :V
As to the tape - yes, I really am like that. XD Leave no mess, if possible! Also, the family's Jewish - just be glad she's more-or-less concretely proved their beliefs instead of wholesale destroying them! That, and Marisa's the younger child. And since becoming a wizard helped Marisa throw fewer temper tantrums, Mike and Debbie aren't as mad as they would have been if this were a regular thing for Marisa - and therefore they'd expect her to have learned 'not' to get upset like she did. :V))

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