Subject: Wild Mountain Time, Chapter VIII: The Book
Posted on: 2018-04-17 16:05:00 UTC


"Yes, Lise?"

"Did you just lie to Will Stanton?"

Jacob waited before replying, watching the five children ahead until they passed out of sight around the corner. "I'm not even sure I did," he said, turning to her at last. "I mean, we're not of the Dark."

"No, we're of the Light." Lise pulled out her Manual and flipped it open at the Oath. "It says so right there in black and white - 'guard growth', 'ease pain', that's definitely the Light."

"Is it, though?" Jacob opened his own book. "The Light exists to fight the Dark. I think our remit is much broader than that."

"Maybe," Lise allowed. "But the High Magic? What even is that?"

"Good question." Jacob chuckled. "I wish I had the books with me… I almost brought them on holiday, but…"

Lise slapped her forehead and set to leafing through her Manual. "Where is it, where is it… aha." She tapped on a page, sketching a few changes to the spell diagram there, and then spoke it rapidly: "I need a small-aperture claudication to coordinates arbek-nine-three-one…"

The by-now-familiar hush of a spell being enacted barely had time to set in before it broke, and Lise was reaching through a hole in the air to somewhere where the light was much brighter. After a few moments rooting around, she pulled her hand back with a triumphant grin. "Ha! … no, bother, that's Wrinkle in Time."

Jacob bent slightly to look through the hole. "Is that… your house?"

Lise nudged him with an elbow. "Pretty sure you're not meant to spy on a girl's room," she said. "But yeah. Pretty cool, huh?"

"It is…" He waited while she pulled out another book - The Chronicles of Prydain - and went back for a third. "Did you say you can pass a spell to my Manual?"

"Not while it's running… aha!" The girl waved a book in his face. "Third time lucky - Silver on the Tree." She let the spell lapse, then tucked the novel under her arm and held out her Manual. "Find a blank page and press it down on top of here."

Jacob did as he was told, and a moment later had his own copy of the wormhole spell. He fiddled with the coordinates while Lise leafed through Silver on the Tree, spliced in his name, and had the spell running before she found what she was looking for.

"Here we go," she said, as he dug through his bookshelf. "It's early on, when Will's with his family - hey, that was quick."

Jacob pulled his own copy of the book through and glanced at her. "Come again?"

"I thought it'd take you longer to get the spell working…" Lise shook her head. "Don't worry. Will says, Although in the world there is the Old Magic of the earth, and the Wild Magic of living things, it is men who control what the world shall be like. But beyond the world is the universe, bound by the law of the High Magic, as every universe must be."

"Right, and that's us." Jacob shut down his spell, tucked his Manual away. "Or wizardry, rather. It's the cosmic magic, not that of the earth."

Lise kept reading. "Beneath the High Magic are two poles, that we call the Dark and the Light. The Dark seeks by its dark nature to influence men so that in the end, through them, it may control the earth. The Light has the task of stopping that from happening."

Jacob had found the page now, and was studying the passage. "So you think the Dark is the Lone Power, from the Manual's stories?"

"Stories…?" Lise waved the thought off. "It sure sounds like it. And the Light is… life, and everything the Oath stands for. That's what I think."

By silent mutual agreement, the pair started walking, following the path Will and his friends had taken. "So we are of the Light and the High Magic at once," Jacob concluded. "And Will is…"

"Of the Old Magic and the Light." Lise flicked through Silver on the Tree, glancing up occasionally to avoid tripping. "Old Ones, the Old Speech, the Old Ways from Dark is Rising… I mean, talk about a theme, right?"

"Right." They rounded a corner, following the path into a wide, shallow valley of rain-damp ferns. "One thing I don't get, though."

"Only one?" Lise grinned at him. "I've been at this ten times longer than you and I barely get any of it."

"Cheeky." The path started to rise again, climbing towards a low ridge. "If the Lone Power is the Dark, then how come we're still worrying about it? Remember the poem? And where the Midsummer Tree grows tall, By Pendragon's sword the Dark shall fall. That's now, in, like, the seventies or something. The Dark should be long gone by our time."

"How should I know?" Lise closed her book, concentrating on the increasingly narrow path. "Maybe Will and Bran only banished the Dark from the Earth. Maybe they just got rid of all Its creatures." She glanced at him, sidelong, her eyes twinkling. "Or maybe - crazy thought - it didn't get it quite right because it's just a story."

Jacob rolled his eyes and went to elbow her in the ribs. Laughing, Lise dodged, darting ahead. The path crested the ridge, and below them they saw a wide bowl caught between the mountains, the grey sky as its lid, the dark, lily-strewn waters of the Bearded Lake at its heart.

Then they saw the great serpentine neck thrusting out of the water, and the small girl standing defenceless before it. And then they heard the scream.

Author's Miscellaneous Notes:
-Or, 'how do you reconcile two magic systems?'.
-We'll get back to proper, Manual-based magic next chapter, don't you fear. I just needed to do a bit of timeline-juggling.
-Teleportation and wormhole-type portals are something of a speciality for Lise, but that's from necessity, not innate attunement. We'll see that side of her later.
-It should be moderately clear by now that Jacob has a linguistic specialisation; he's essentially got an innate understanding of the Speech which lets him do everything a lot faster.
-Kaitlyn informs me that she didn't actually own an omnibus Prydain; however, I wasn't sure if the individual books had enough name-recognition, so wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey.


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