Subject: Restore Points
Posted on: 2018-04-19 18:43:00 UTC

Marisa was going to have to think fast - even now, she was hyperfocusing on her memories of being a wizard, what each spell did and, where she'd been taught, how to draw it.

Forget being punished, if she wanted to keep being a wizard in this house, she needed to convince them now.

"An... Oath?" Her mom quickly cut in - and Marisa took that opportunity and (much more metaphorically this time) ran with it.

"Yes - it came with that AR program I downloaded, to go with what I was doing in school," Marisa first explained - which, fortunately, was true, even if it was just due to the timing. Then she launched into the Oath itself, the one thing that she hoped would always be a part of her memory:

/In Life's Name, and for Life's Sake, I swear that I will use the Art I have been given for this purpose and no other. I swear to guard growth and ease pain, to support Life of all kinds, to respect the free will of all sentient beings, to exchange fear for courage, and death for life, when it is right to do so, 'til universes' End./ There was, thankfully, that silence that meant the Universe was listening - which meant she was still a wizard! But that was only a portion of the problem - since she'd used the Speech, her parents (and now her brother) were only staring at her more.

But for her Manual she'd put up with all that and more.

"That-" her dad spoke up after the silence stopped echoing, though it took a while, "It doesn't sound like a scam, but - why would you take that?"

"Because I'm a wizard, mom, Dad - the worlds are dying, and as long as entropy is running They'll need people to fight it, by ending wars before they start, b-by giving people who aren't heard a voice that can't be ignored, by being good people." She heaved one breath, another.

"Then why not just be one? Why did someone put you put you up to being a wizard in particular?"

Blinking back tears, Marisa replied, "I don't know why me, but I can show you what wizards can do. Can- can we go to the living room?"

Her parents, letting curiosity win themselves over, obliged, and Marisa snuck another - hopefully not last! - glance at her computer, and where her Manual was supposed to be.

What did I do to hurt you? What was too much?


Marisa set up the spell diagram with unbreakable attention - rather than focusing on the tension in the room, something she would otherwise have found impossible. She used tape for the circle - taped to itself, so she wouldn't stick anything to the floor - and wrote in pencil.

"Stand in the circle, okay? Or you won't end up seeing anything - this spell doesn't project the results on the outside."

It looked different enough from 'child's play' that her parents took her seriously, even though they still looked baffled. There wasn't room enough for her brother, but to Marisa's mind, she didn't need to convince him. He wasn't in charge of the house.

Still, they obliged, and Marisa stepped into the part of the spell reserved for her and began to read.

That silence - the one she cherished, even if she didn't have her Manual to share it with - settled in again, and Marisa began her request. It was an 'analysis' type spell, one that would take everything happening within a given radius and store it as data for the wizard to view at a later date.

For a wizard who often felt like she was being given too much to process or do at any one time, it was a lifesaver. It was also power-intensive, such that even a novice like her could only use it once in a while; the mundane solutions always work best, her Manual had said, and Marisa internally winced. But she wasn't a traveler, and taking her parents to the moon when it would also be her first trip just seemed like a bad call. This - this superhuman capturing and storing of data, thoroughly and painlessly - would have to do.

There was also a part of her that thought, perhaps foolishly, that this spell could also tell her where her Manual had gone. If only the Internet could be mapped like the real world! was one of Marisa's last spare thoughts before the spell took.

If I just knew where you were, I could make it right-

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