Subject: Maybe a tangent: What about a PPC Manual?
Posted on: 2018-04-07 22:06:00 UTC

Before I clicked, I was pretty sure you were talking about YW, but it crossed my mind it could have been the PPC, too.

Then I thought, what if the Flowers got in on the Powers' strategy of presenting Manuals to people under the right circumstances? That might be an interesting way to recruit from supernatural-friendly universes. Or even mundane ones, if they slipped a few dog-eared hard copies on library shelves, random used book stands, those Little Free Libraries that keep popping up, and the like. Most people would pick the thing up, go "yeah right," and walk away, but every so often, a fan with the right balance of keen and crazy would come along and follow the instructions on the back cover... {= )

Well, when I say "the PPC Manual," I probably just mean Volume One: So You've Decided to Become a PPC Agent.


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