Subject: ;)
Posted on: 2018-04-23 20:38:00 UTC

Mrs. Riley let the tension hang in the air for a few moments - but before her parents could exclaim anything along the lines of 'What have you been doing?!' at Marisa she said,

"Er, not quite. It does have to do with those comfort zones I mentioned, though. Tell me; have you looked up anything similar to those fanfictions in the Manual itself?"

Marisa rapidly shook her head.

"No! It never occurred to me." Realizing she was fighting an uphill battle, she repeated herself in the Speech; since taking the Oath, she had not once considered 'paging' through her computer - or her AR Program, rather - for those kinds of results. She'd always considered that sort of thing to be something one just thought about - NSFW stories were for other people to write, and she hadn't read any - so far as she was aware - involving primarily humans.

Candice's expression looked a little less tense now. "Ever written any?"

In fact, it was almost teasing. Marisa made a face.


Mrs. Riley held up a hand. "I don't think you have anything to worry about, Debbie, Mike. At least not for a few more years." Sam abruptly burst out laughing, only to be shushed by their mom.

Marisa bit her lip - a habit she'd no doubt have to break. "So, if it wasn't because of that, or because I got upset today, and I'm still a wizard... does that mean things will be okay?"

Candice's smile was encouraging. "Yes, Marisa; I can say that much. I'm no visionary, mind you!" That last part, while Marisa didn't get all of why it should be funny, made her smile anyway - even her parents looked a little less stressed.

"But-" Marisa piped up, looking over at her dad. "I am sorry about the computer. What are we going to do?" Fortunately, her ex-speech therapist had something to say about that, too.

"I think you'll find that the Powers - and the One - look out for those who try to reduce entropy. And those who learn from their mistakes." Then she winked. "That, and I did chip in to get them a discount!"

Marisa didn't know if that was a joke, but she did end up laughing - and, as if a weight had been lifted, so did the rest of her family.

Things looked a little bit brighter...


That night, however, as Marisa lay dreaming, things did not look nearly so pleasant, or accomplish-able.

"No, wait! Don't go-!"

"You're my only friend-"

"You- you'll do whatever I tell you, right? As long as I believe in what I'm doing..." /Yes./ "That - that sounds dangerous." /It is how we are./

"How dare you-!"

Marisa burst awake - or thought she did. It should have been dark, she should have been in bed - even if she thought she had dealt with the stress well, she had still cried herself to sleep - but instead it was bright, impossibly bright all around-

There was no ground. There was no noise, either; the first big sign she hadn't found herself in Timeheart, like some wizards did on occasion. She tried to move, only to find herself paralyzed. Even without ground, it felt like electricity was passing close by her hands-

Where am I? Is this a dream? To her surprise, something answered.

"Only if you want it to be - or it can be all that and more."

Marisa thought she could hear It laughing.

"After all, isn't this where you have always wanted to be?"

Suddenly she could move again - and as she carefully knelt up and gazed around, breathing heavily, she found herself only with one growing suspicion:

"Am- am I online?"

Even in an abstract form, she could tell the Lone Power was grinning.

"Yes, quite. How's about that 'cyberspace fantasy', little wizard?"

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