Subject: Wild Mountain Time, Epilogue: The Beginning.
Posted on: 2018-04-22 12:40:00 UTC

Lise was sitting half-curled on her bed when she heard the distinct pop of displaced air. She swung her legs off, wincing at the chill of the floor, and crossed to the window.

There was a figure out there, half-hidden between the derelict greenhouses. Lise grinned, and reached for her jacket.

Five minutes later she was crunching over the gravel towards her visitor. She rounded one of the scrap-metal sculptures that dotted the yard and stopped in front of him. "Hey."

"Hi." Jacob gave a little wave. "I pulled your coordinates from the bookshelf spell… hope you don't mind."

"No, no, that's fine." Lise went to lean on the glass, but it creaked alarmingly, so she just stood. "No problem."

Jacob nodded, and looked around. "It's all a bit… post-apocalyptic," he said, gesturing at the sculpture. Then he coloured slightly. "Sorry, that was rude."

"It's fine," Lise repeated. "We've got a cherry orchard round the other side… well, I say that, it's got a couple of cherry trees, anyway. And there's the racquetball court… it's kind of a weird house, not gonna lie."

"Right." Jacob chewed on his lip, then said in a sudden rush, "I'm sorry I didn't come earlier, but my parents were furious I'd gone missing, and then I got a visit from a Senior wizard, and then in the morning I had, like, the wizard in charge of all of Britain show up, and then we were off to the beach again, and it just… this is the first chance I got, I promise."

Lise nodded. She'd had her own share of visitors, though none quite so impressive as that. "So what did they say?"

"Well, we passed." Jacob grinned at her. "But I figure you already knew that. And the timeline wasn't changed - the Dark was defeated on schedule, and all that."

Lise nodded again. "And… the Lone Power?"

"That's the really good bit," Jacob said, with breathless enthusiasm. "It worked! You tied It up in Its own banishment. From the time the Afanc attacked Jane to… well, this morning, actually, It couldn't get a single incarnation into the whole of Britain." He sobered slightly and went on. "Diane - that's the regional Senior I mentioned - says the ban broke the moment we returned to our own time, and of course this means the 80s were kind of our own fault, but still… we kept the Lone Power out for two decades!" He stopped, looking guilty. "I mean, you did."

"Yaaay." Lise managed a weak smile. She kicked at the gravel underfoot, head down. "I'm glad it worked out. I was scared…" She shrugged. "That it was all for nothing."

"It wasn't." Jacob reached out, touched her shoulder lightly. "We won. You won."

"-- but I'm still banned." She looked up, met his eyes. "My Advisory says it looks pretty permanent. I can't magic myself into Britain, and, well… her exact words when I asked about flying over were 'I wouldn't want to witness the consequences'."

"Oh, no." Jacob's hand fell back to his side. "I'm sorry, I… I figured if the Lone One got back in, then you…"

"Yeah." Lise sighed, and sat down carefully on the greenhouse's retaining wall. "I guess the rules are different for Powers."

Jacob gazed down at her, then dropped to squat on the gravel. "Hey," he said, lying a hand on her knee. "We'll find a way, right? I mean, wizardry is all about getting one over on that guy."

Lise chuckled, then had to nudge her glasses back up. "Sure. But… I figured we'd be partners."

"We are," Jacob said firmly. "What, you think a little thing like a ban is going to prevent that?"

"Er, yes?" She reached down and picked up a handful of gravel, let it drain through her fingers. "I can't come help you when you have a problem, or anything."

"So I'll bring my problems here." Jacob's smile was distinctly lopsided. "You'll be sick of the sight of me before long, partner."

This time, Lise's laugh came straight from the heart. "I look forward to it." She clapped her hand over his, smiling.

Jacob's answering smile had a thoughtful character. "Do you remember… when we left?" he asked.

Lise looked puzzled. "The spell threw me out of Wales," she said, "and back home. Mom hadn't even noticed I was gone."

"Mm." Jacob glanced aside, back again. "... straight home?"

"I…" A flash of memory came to her: a mountain glowing under an azure sky, a lake pure as crystal, a serpentine neck rising to greet her; and on the lakeshore Will Stanton, and an old man with a hooked nose and the warmest of smiles. "... I'm not sure."

"Yeah?" Jacob looked at her, and his smile was the summer sun come to earth. "Me neither."

Author's Miscellaneous Notes:

-I am a sucker for epilogues named 'the beginning'.
-It's not a proper Ordeal without a visit to Timeheart.


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