Subject: I really appreciate that you're reading along.
Posted on: 2022-11-25 14:25:48 UTC

Wanting to respond to your commentary reminds me to read the thing myself. ^_^

The "home continuum" thing sounds like it's probably inspired by the DMFF, and says something about the timeline of... one of the two stories. The first firm date for Suedom is chapter 13, next May; the first firm date for the DMFF is chapter 2, next June. It seems logical that the first DMFF story would cluster with the others (which were all written in about a month), but it's possible that DMFF 1 was much earlier - or, indeed, that Elvea suggested the idea on the Board.

Alternately, this is after J&A started doing Crossovers, right? They're Assassins in the story, but they'd already started writing the sort of missions where they drop the characters off back home.

Rincewind... given how little LotR fanfic there was prior to the movies, I think we have to treat her claim to have written one "a few decades ago" (ie, the 70s or earlier) with a bucket of salt. Most likely, she was in the Trek fandom, but her memory has been affected over the centuries and she only remembers the many lives she's had in the year since the Movies started. Or, she means that she wrote the first LotR Suvian, and the "Powers That Be" are specifically responsible for Middle-earth. There are Maiar who guard the Doors of Night against Morgoth's return; something like that could guard more ethereal boundaries.

(For best entertainment value: maybe her badfic was of the 1977 Rankin-Bass Hobbit or the 1978 Bakshi LotR!)

(Incidentally, the now lost "Ashes to Glory" starred a group of renegade Suvians on a Trek-style starship, so at least some of the early PPC were aware of the term's origin.)

For the sake of the PPC's mission, we also have to assume that "real girls are being pulled in unwillingly" wasn't an ongoing thing, but was specifically the effect of the Bridge in 2002. Otherwise the PPC were and are mass-murderers. Vemi and I deliberately ignored that concept when we created the Suvian Factory, pretty much for that reason.


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