Subject: Wow, I feel dumb.
Posted on: 2022-11-26 12:57:48 UTC

I had completely forgotten about that prologue scene while I was reading chapter 2, but you're unquestionably right: that scene depicted Rincewind's original kidnapping. Which means even without the "repeated reincarnations" thing in Middle-earth itself, she's actually lost thirty-two years of her life in the real world. Yuck! I like the idea of Maiar being the ones doing this to protect Middle-earth, although it feels a bit weird they could reach the real world to get her in the first place. Then again, Tolkien did intend Middle-earth to be a legendary past for contemporary earth, so maybe LotR canon Earth and World One are similar enough that they were able to reach across somehow?

I'll have to read through those early fics when I get the time, that's fascinating! Thank you!

Also, I don't have time to spend on it now, but I do have "Ashes to Glory" saved here, so that will be up . . . at some point . . .


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