Subject: [[OOC: And a reaction snippet, a la the J&A ones.]]
Posted on: 2010-07-15 14:56:00 UTC

"What are you laughing at?"

"Fanfic Land!" Foxglove held up her laptop, showing Skyfire what she was reading. "This is what it would look like if HQ didn't have screening processes."

"What screening processes? They let us join."

"Ha ha, Stormy. Seriously, it's pretty funny." Laburnum scrolled down. "Here we have something apparently written by a ten-year-old boy who failed biology, featuring Lux, Jay, Acacia, that lady Val from Veterinary even though she didn't join up until Jay and Acacia had left, and DEAR SWEET MOTHER OF GOD WHAT IS THAT ELEPHANT DOING THERE?!"

The exorcists peered over her shoulders.

"What's an elephant?" Skyfire asked. "I think I heard the word somewhere and forgot."

"I would presume 'tis a creature that would be physically incapable of doing what this one doth appear to be doing, aye?"

Laburnum nodded, still stunned.

"Y'know, guys, they don't seem to have done anything to you," said Foxglove, skimming through the fic list again. "They got us in there, but not you."

Laburnum looked up at the mustelids. "The fanbrats are more afraid of you than they are of us. I'm not sure whether you should be embarrassed or flattered."

(AN: No, I am not going to write the thing with the elephant.)

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