Subject: EPC: Gehenna Next Chapter.
Posted on: 2010-07-14 06:14:00 UTC

Chapter Two: Another Character, Another Hogwarts.

Disclaimer: The EPC, My Immortal, and the World of Darkness do not belong to me.

As the New Multiverse Patriots fought Celebrian, the Chamber of Secrets opened in Hogwarts, unleashing the second Suetelluvian imprisoned to increase the Sunflower Emperor's power: Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way. Over the years of the retconned history, her glittery blood has been used to create Goff!Sues that spread the Theme Park version of Gothicness and Satanism (frequently misspelled into Stanism or Santanism) throughout the Multiverse.

The EPC Agent B'loody Mary, who had betrayed her mistress out of love (some would say lust) for the Sunflower Emperor; led an army of Preps against the awakened entity. They unleashed a storm of Fan-made spells at it, formed from years of research into the powers offered by Glitter. The Methsuleah called upon spells from outside her own universe, creating walls of sunlight and fire against her former master.

Not once did she think of using steak and crosses.

The Suetelluvian lifted up her "Blak" Wand, and said: "Avcara Kedabra!"

A green beam of light came from the wand, and all of the Prep!Sues died.

"How could U bertay mi B'loody Mary!"

"I'm sorry! I was in love and-"

"Luv with a PREP!!!!!" she roared sexily.

The Suetelluvian lifted up her slit wrist, and did a spell.

Snape and Lupin, once hot Lust Objects embraced by the fandom, became the preppy pedos that they were intended to be. They apperated into the Chamber, drooling.

"POt Her in Bondage1!" she said, just as she began to remove her former servant's power.

B'loody Mary screamed, just as the Snap and Loopin drew close to her, evil looks in their faces.

Ebony laughed sadistically. "Haha. Now if u wilt exceuse me, I will asemillate all the Poser Maru Sues and Stus cre8ted with mine glitter."

Then she left just as Snap and Loopin got out the camera and began Masticating.

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