Subject: The Penultimate Suetelluvian.
Posted on: 2010-07-15 08:54:00 UTC

Chapter Six: The Penultimate Suetelluvian.

Disclaimer: You know the drill.

In the center of the EPC HQ, Captain Dandy and the Sub Rosa were holding together the last remnants of their once great Departments, repelling attacks from Rouge Agents, NMG Space Marines, and forces from the risen Suetelluvians. The remnants of Legal had been withdrawn to what was once the SO's office, and were attempting to find a way to reverse their adverse fortunes. But time was running short, and nothing had been found yet.

We're going to die here, said the DES leader.

Have some hope. We can't be the only survivors of this organization.

Even so, we have no one but ourselves to aid in our endeavor.

Another NMG Space Marine rushed their defensive cordon, killing more Sues and Weeds. Captain Dandy began firing his Glitter rifle, his rounds causing the intruder's ceramite armour to be encrusted with pink crystals. Said pink crystals then exploded, fatally wounding the Space Marine.

But just as the NMG Marine let out his last breath, more of his kind came into view, bolters drawn.

Damn it! At this rate, we will never-

Suddenly, bright light shone from the former SE's office. The doors opened, and a replesendent woman in a bikini of Jade Leaves shaped like that of Maples and Oaks walked out. She wore a crown of laurels and hollies, transmuted into gold long ago by a wandering Alchemist.

She then drew a whip of (AN: My computer does not have enough memory for the description), and charged towards the NMG Marines.

Emboldened by her example, Captain Dandy and the Sub Rosa charged against their enemies, leading their remaining Suvians in a final sortie. With the Suetelluvian's help, they began to clear the former HQ, room by room and corridor by corridor. When the NMG and the rival Suetelluvians' forces had been driven out, Jayacacia stood in front of the two EPC officers, and said:

"Long ago, when the other Suetelluvians were jealous of me, my husband and my Methsuleahs chose to seal me away in the land of Avalon, where I would be kept safe until the Eternal Suvian Paradise was established."

"But I look around me and what do I see? My Husband dead, the EPC scattered, and my rivals in a greater state of power than ever before. Why have you let all of this fall into ruin? Why?"

Captain Dandy and Sub Rosa pointed their leaves at each other in postures of accusation.

"So I see. You continue to shift the blame for this even now. That cannot be allowed."

Jayacacia raised up her arms, and the two Flowers were deleted from the story, along with all of their followers.

"Farewell, place that I once knew. I will now retreat into Avalon once again, not to wait until another battle comes, but to grieve forever until the end of time." And so with a single tear trailing down her beautiful place, Jayacacia left the Mirror Multiverse, never to return.

A/N: I'm sorry JayBird!

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