Subject: Sweat, Blood and Tears - Chapter 3!!
Posted on: 2010-07-13 20:47:00 UTC

A/N: Ima back! SOrry it took so long! NEway, heres the next chapter of Jaycacacia''s latest advemture - after the reviewr replys!

Ellintyra Lloysinthayr: OMG i now! Ihave tryd and tryd to get the fanficland to do somthing, but tehy WONT. umm but tahnks for teh comments and i hop you liike this chapterr!

Burning Watier: hehehe, not in tihs chappie, but mabee teh neckst!

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Chapter Three - Dark

Jaycacia sat up in the darkness without knowing what had awoken her. She felt like she had heard something, but there was no sound in the glade. It's probably nothing, she thought, and rolled over to put her arm around the SO.

He wasn't there.

Neither was Jay.

Jaycacia wasn't worried, of course. She was Jaycacia Thornbyrd, and they were Jay Thorntree and the Sunflower Official. With the power of love, they could overcome any danger. Still, it was best to be sure. She got up and looked around.

The darkness was deep in this place, lit only by a thin crescent moon. Jaycacia could just make out the tree on which – she smiled at the memory – Jay had carved a picture of her a few hours earlier. She wandered over and brushed her fingers over the wood.

There was something sticky on the tree. Jaycacia gasped softly and snapped her fingers, using the secret powers given to her at birth by a wandering Daffodil (A/N: Remember that? They were in the first story!) to flood the grove with light.

There was blood on the tree. Someone had been writing on it. In blood. Jaycacia stared in horror. There was blood on the picture. In thin, spidery letters, it read, All things will end when the Weaver rises. Jaycacia fainted.

She awoke a moment later, spurred on by her fear for her loved ones. Jaycacia wasn't used to being afraid – she was strong enough to defeat most dangers – but she overcame it and gathered her thoughts. On the ground were the faint marks of Jay's and the SO's feet (A/N: Or should that be roots?), leading off into the forest. There was something else around the footprints... a ring of disturbed earth. Whatever had made the marks must have left the message. That meant it had taken Jaycacia's lovers captive, and that could not be borne. The young Assassin ran into the forest after them, trusting her sense of the SO's location to guide her.

When at last she felt her husband drawing near, Jaycacia stopped, leaning against a tree. Whatever had intruded on their holiday was just around the next corner – she could hear something now, a low humming noise. Carefully she crept to the cliff that formed one side of the road, edged along it, and peered round...


The single sheet of closely-printed paper floated down through the air and landed on Jay Thorntree's face. She woke with a start, grabbed it, and peered at the first lines. "Oh... bother," she mumbled. "Where are you, Acy?"

"If you didn't have such ridiculously tiny windows, you wouldn't need to ask," Acacia's voice said from across the room. "You know what your problem is? You don't consider your friends when you make these decisions."

"Says the woman who moved to Ancient Rome," Jay pointed out. She shuffled her feet out of bed and walked to the window.

"Aquae Sulis now," Acacia corrected. "My jewellery is a big hit."

"The Suethors would be very glad to hear it, except not." Jay read a few more lines of the sheet of paper Acacia had thrown at her. "Was this really necessary?"

"I just thought you'd like to see it," Acacia said, sounding as innocent as she could. "Would you mind opening your door and letting me in? It's cold out here."

"... I'll think about it," Jay replied. "Let me read this first..."

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