Subject: A Daisys Heart Chapter Two
Posted on: 2010-07-14 16:51:00 UTC

AN: I decided to go ahead and write this chappie anyway because the stupid FLAMERS can't stop me writing my story however I want to!

NiGhT-fIrE-wOlF thatnks for the lovely review this chappie is for you!

CHapter Two

Elli and the Marqis heard a voice saying "Come in" so they did and the SO was sitting there in front of them behind his desk and he greeted them very politely and said "Hello Agent Lloysinand my friend the Marqis". "i'm glad you came so quickly because this is important".

"What is it sir"? Elli asked inquisitively. "We're not in trouble are we"?

"No no of course not" he reassurred her. "this is good news for you both". "I've talked to the other Flowers and we decide that you two are in too much danger on misions and your love might be in danger".

"We don't mind sir" Elli said bravely. "It's our duty".

"Well I mind" he said sternly but kindly. "We've decided to make a new position for the Marqis and you are going to help him with it".

"What position is that dir"? said the Marqis humbly. "I never thought I'd be any good at anything important".

"You are going to be the Head of the Adminitsration Deppartment and Elli will be your personal asistant" the SO declared. "We know you'll be good at it because you two are good at working together and youre so good with paprwork and stuff".

"Oh thank you thank you sir" said Elli and sje jumped for joy and hugged the Marqis. "Isn't that wonderful love"? "Now we never have to risk losing each other again"! And the Marqis was happy too and he held her close and thanksed the SO who watched them and was happy ebcause they were so happy.

"We'd better get to to work" the Marqis said finally and they left the So's office and went to his new office and settled down and started to work and they were happy to work together.

Then one day an emergency message came through for them and it said [There a re MarySues inHQ and evryone needs to help fight them or hide so they don't get hurt!] And Elli said "Oh no we mut go and help"1 and she ran to the door and grabed her old wepaons that she used to use when she was fighting mary Sues in ehr old department.

And the marqis said "No Elli wait we should go and hide so we don't get hurt because I would never want you to get hurt"!

She turned to him bravely and said "I am a PPC Agent and I must go and fight to help the other Agentsbecause I can't abandon them". "I love you and I'll becareful I promise but I must do this".

And he said "All right I will go with you because I can't let you go alone to face evil mary Sues alone" and he grabbed his weapons too and went out to fight with her.

They fought ver bravely and saved lotsof Agents but soon they found themselves in a corridor with Sues coming after them and they were trapped in a dead end. Elli got a bit afraid but tryed to be brave for her lover and said "What shall we do because we can't die here"?

One of the Sues who had trapped them who was all sparkly and perfect and evil laughed evilly. "You WILL die here"! she laughed and all the others laughed too. "We will kill all the Flowers and then the Agents too"!

Elli shoulted "NEVER"! and hurled herself in fromnt of the Marqis to save him as the Sues approached...

Hehehe a CLIFFIE!!1 if I get NICE reviews I'll post the next chappie very soon okay! Flamers can go kiss a rat!

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