Subject: The End.
Posted on: 2010-07-16 09:09:00 UTC

Chapter Eight: The Final Hour.

Disclaimer: You know the drill.

Celebrian gutted out Laura first, then the Hacker and Ebony. She held up their hearts, and set them on fire with a nearby torch. The smoke then went up to the skies, and a portal began to open.

"I call you, Ensign Mary Sue. Creation of Paula Smith, come to this world, and bring the Eternal Suvian Paradise that is our destiny!"

From the portal, a girl which (AN: My computer does not have enough memory for the description)- flew down to Celebrian and said:

"You don't have any luck. I am a parody, just like my counterpart in the Prime Multiverse."

Celebrian rushed towards the entity she had summoned, rage instead of lust lining her face. But the now-revealed Parody!Suetelluvian flicked her away with one snap of a finger. Raising her head up to the sky, she spoke:

"There is only one rule for figthing the original Mary Sue. You Lose."

Then with another flick of a finger, she ended the Multiverse.

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