Subject: OMG WTF who do you thikn you are?!
Posted on: 2010-07-14 02:36:00 UTC

You're the RETARD here! I got good reveiws for my other storys and you're just JEALOUS because YOU never wrote anything! I have some problems with my spelling and grammar and I KNOW that but I'm trying to improve and i don't USE Wor d documments so I havent GOT spellchecker you braindead MORON!

Adn you leave Americans out of this because I have American friends and they can write way better than I can so you just don't have a CLUE!

And the Marqis is in LOVE dumbass and that's why he's acting weird and I'll explain it in my next chappie if I even write one now because of you being so godawful MEEEEANNN!

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