Subject: Why don't you just shove off?!!!
Posted on: 2010-07-14 20:01:00 UTC

You're taking all this way too SRIOUSLY you stupid COW! My friends like my storys no matter waht you say and like I said before they're SMARTER than you so I wouldn't have to pay then anyway!

You just don;t like seeing anyone having fun writing because you can;t write anything yourself and you probably live in your mum's loft or something and have no friends so you just pick on other people you BICTH!

And anyway the Marqis CAN'TR have a lobottomy because he hasn't got a normal human BRAIN and a lobotomy is BRAIN surgery so HA! Suck on that you stupid MORON! And Elli isn't a MarySue she's a self insert and they aren't automativally Mary Sues so SHUT UP before you say they are!

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