Subject: And since I'm doing these, have Tau'sia name!
Posted on: 2016-05-27 11:13:00 UTC

Okay, so Tau and souls don't mix terribly well except during the Mont'au period (roughly analogous to the Terror in French history), but you can just about get there with a bit of linguistic jiggery-pokery. And this is a conlang, after all, so linguistic jiggery-pokery is very much the name of the game. =]

As such, I hope this is to your liking:-

Gue'por'vre Fio'gue Ran'ea'Qim
(Human-Magister of Earth Spirit-of-the-Void-Within)

Ea'Qim has a fairly specific meaning; it refers to a practice and desired internal state for followers of the Greater Good, and the best analogy for a human observer is nirvana. Ran is the closest (and fairly folkloric) approximation of the soul, and thus combining the two to imply an embodiment of a noble soul is about the best I can come up for a name with such a specific meaning.

Also I'm working off a new living Tau'sia lexicon that I literally only found this morning (and the previous ones didn't even name the Tau language as Tau'sia, which goes to show what a jump it is) so I'll probably end up redoing some other ones as well. =]

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