Subject: It absolutely is.
Posted on: 2016-05-25 15:05:00 UTC

The story of the Shibboleth of Feanor is that the scholars of the Noldor sat down one day hour of the Trees and decided "Y'know what'd be cool? Instead of saying 'th', we could say 's'!"

So they did that, and so did the rest of the Noldor. They wrote the same letter, just changed how it should be said in every word.

Except, slight problem: Feanor's dead mother, who he was a bit obsessive about, was named Miriel Therinde. And Feanor absolutely refused to defame her memory by changing her name posthumously to 'Serinde'.

So even though he was one of the foremost linguistic scholars of Valinor, he refused to change his speech, and taught his children to keep using good old th. So you could always tell whether you were in the presence of a Feanorian, because they thpoke funny.


(Of course, there were already Ses in the language beforehand, so it's not always possible to tell whether one used to be a th... mine did, but hTh looks, um, dumb. Also, I'm not Feanor's biggest fan.)

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