Subject: Well, you could be Caurë.
Posted on: 2016-05-26 16:29:00 UTC

But it's not very poetic, is it?

... this is actually really hard. The darkness words just don't taste very nice.

Okay, I think the best option is Lómindossë, 'night on the heart'. That's quite good.

Over in Beleriand, I'm quite taken by Duinnath, 'darkness on all thoughts'. 'du-INN-ath'.

Taking a swim to Numenor, we come across Adunaic, and the name Ugrazrôn, a fairly condensed name meaning 'Shadow on the Sea'. They see you as the threat of an oncoming storm; the kind that you can tell is on its way, but with no idea when it will hit.

Valarin... well, I think the name Akašândušamanûðân might be blasphemous, since it comes out as 'The One decrees the Marring'. But it certainly gets that unsettling feeling across.

In the Black Speech, you are Burzulûk: 'dark(en) them all'. Sauron doesn't just care about their minds - he's after everything.

And, just for you... a Dwarvish name.

Knhuzdul is a nightmarish language, with almost no words, and I barely understand it. But you could be Zanûn Asalân, 'the Bringer of Shadow'. We know that two-part Khuzdul names are possible: there was a smith named Gamil Zirak back in Nogrod. You could also hyphenate it if you like, or even press the two parts together entirely; the rules are super unclear.


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