Subject: You want one? You get five.
Posted on: 2016-05-26 11:19:00 UTC

In Quenya, I name you Únyárë, 'No Tale'. (Or you could simply be Munta, 'nothing', but that's boring.

In Sindarin, Aringath is your name, for you are Without Notions.

In the tongue of Numenor, you are called Bawâbêth, 'the Wind-Speaker', for when we ask your name, we hear only the breeze.

Similarly in Valarin they speak of you as Amanaišalšebeth, the Unmarred Air, for your words do not trouble its stillness.

And in the Black Speech... in the Black Speech they don't care. You are simply Ashgûl, 'that One Wraith'.

None of which are the least bit appropriate for the PPC's most prolific writer - in fact most of them were chosen to be as inappropriate as possible - but hey, you did ask...


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