Subject: That is 25 names.
Posted on: 2016-05-26 13:19:00 UTC

And so this is 25 names.

Richard (strong leader)

Quenya: Hestopolda ('Strong captain')
Sindarin: Turthalion ('dauntless victor')
Adunaic: Pâburôdabâr ('Lord of the Heavy Hand')
Valarin: Mâchanâzuruš ('Authority of Fire')
Black Speech: Durbatum ('dominion')

Gerard (strong spear)

Quenya: Poldehtë ('Strong spear')
Sindarin: Thelavell ('Strong spear')
Adunaic: Narduburôdôn ("Heavy Sword")
Valarin: Igasiniðil ('Heat of the Lily'; okay, yes, it's a distant translation)
Black Speech: Olog ('troll')


Quenya: Falassópa ('Shoreland Cove')
Sindarin: Carfalas ('House on the Shore')
Adunaic: Azrakadar ("City of the Sea")
Valarin: Phelûnulu ('water's home')
Black Speech: Ronk-ishi ('in a pool', Orkish)

'wise soul'

Quenya: Fëanólë ('soul of lore', and yes, I know who it sounds like)
Sindarin: Faeidhren ('thoughtful soul')
Adunaic: Sapthân ('wise man', aka 'wizard')
Valarin: Mâchanuruš ('Authoritative Fire', suggesting a soul guided by the One)
Black Speech: Ghâshum ('fireness', suggesting a strong soul; wisdom is hardly something Orcs are going to mention)

'soul serving wisdom'

Quenya: Nólendur ('servant of wisdom')
Sindarin: Ingoludur ('heart serving lore')
Adunaic: Sapthânô ('from the wise one')
Valarin: Akašânuruš ('The One says + fire', a soul instructed by the One)
Black Speech: Ghâshum (as for 'wise soul')


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