Subject: Quenyaaaaa. ^_^
Posted on: 2016-05-25 08:16:00 UTC

Huine is 'shadow, twilight', soron is 'eagle'. Hence, Eagleshade. It's not entirely proper Quenya, but it works for me. (And it's pronounced Hween-AY-sore-on, since that always comes up.)

As for why... it was my first email handle, and I got an email address to talk about the release of The Two Towers with a friend over the Christmas holidays. So I pulled out the Silmarillion and looked through the language index... and that's all there is to it.


^^^^^ As for that thing: it's a Latinisation of my Tengwar monogram:

That's a small hyarmen contained in a large silme, so I used small h, large S. Et voila.

hS, owner of the sexiest name, muaha

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