Subject: The golden fire will not avail you, flame of Udun!
Posted on: 2016-05-25 14:25:00 UTC

Hehe, nice work with the Valarin.

I thought 'elen' as star was only a Quenya thing and Sindarin used 'gil' (with the exception of a few translated names such as Elrond etc)? I'm a bit rusty with my HoME-reading so going entirely off memory here. As a Quenya translation, Elengail would fit the 'Exilic' pattern of 'imperfect' translations pretty well.

Back when 'Elcalion' was a fic character I was writing (I've since dropped the idea now I'm using it as a username), I had 'Artalinde' as the father-name and Elcalion as the mother-name; any thoughts about Sindarinising 'Artalinde' (apart from the obvious, but slightly-weird sounding Linrod by analogy with Finrod)? Ar(o)lin(d)?


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