Subject: Would you believe...
Posted on: 2016-05-26 10:33:00 UTC

... that there is actually a Quenya word for 'fungus'? :D

It's hwan, and coupling it with the word for 'agonising death' gives us Hwanoqualmë, 'Death from a Mushroom'.

Moving on to Sindarin... would you believe there's also a Sindarin word for 'fungus'? Because there is, and it's 'hwand'. It even appears as 'hwan' in constructs.

So we'll go with Hwanwanath in Sindarin, with the exact same meaning as the Quenya.

Now... would you believe there's an Adunaic word for 'fungus', too? No? Good, 'cause there isn't. You'll have to be Inzilagan, the Death Flower.

In Valarin you have to drift even further from the meaning; we're capturing a concept that the Valar had no understanding of. But you can be Dušamanûðâniniðil, the Marred Flower. It even starts with a D!

Finally, in the Black Speech... well, what does a death-fungus do but bring darkness on its eater? So you get to be Thrakaburz, 'To Bring the Dark'.


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