Subject: Ah, this again.
Posted on: 2016-05-25 04:36:00 UTC

I should probably copy my answer for repeats of this thread, but meh, I like telling the story.

So! I'm a big RPG nerd, be it tabletop or MMORPGs, and the very first MMORPG I ever played was Runescape. This was back in the day when you actually got to choose your username instead of being forced to pick one provided by the game, and I decided there was no way I wanted to be CamelotOrc3327 or whatever the number was (The CamelotOrc bit really stuck in my mind; I don't think I'll ever forget that.), no way, no how. I wanted a name name, dangit!

The only problem was that anything resembling a real name would be caught by the censors and not be allowed, so I played around with some sounds and letters before coming up with Iximaz.

Look, I was twelve, it sounded like a cool name at the time. Stop laughing. :P

Iximaz ended up becoming my online name for just about everything else, and though I ended up abandoning Runescape in favor of World of Warcraft, I kept the name Iximaz as my account name there. Not to mention I named my hunter character that as well, in memory of the first Iximaz, who would spend hours shooting at hill giants from behind the safety of a stalagmite wall they couldn't seem to cross.

Good times, good times...

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