Subject: A couple of options
Posted on: 2016-05-26 00:57:00 UTC

"Amdir" is hope in the sense of "expectation, optimism" (literally means something like "upward-looking"), while "Estel" is hope in the sense of "trust".

Usual female endings are "-(r)iel" (garlanded-maiden) or "-wen" (woman).

Warrior - there's a couple of variants, some of which are chiefly used for orcs and other "enemies", so the best would be "maethor" (warrior) or "magor" (swordsman), which will mutate into "-vagor" under certain conditions (I'm not 100% with Sindarin lenition).

So "she of the Old Hope" would probably best be "Estelwen" (using the 'Estel' option as best fitting Old Hope) (Esteliel sounds a bit strange to my ear). Alternatively, could go with "Amdiriel" which has the alliterative-'A' bonus, but uses "lesser" hope.

"Warrior of the old hope" would probably be "Estelva(e)thor" or "Estelvagor" [fairly sure that the m would lenit to v, since it did in the similar Menelvagor" (Swordsman of the Sky), the Sindarin name for the constellation Orion].

"Follower of Eru" would be something like "Erudil" or "Erudur", but neither would likely be an "appropriate" Elvish name, as there was quite a strong... well, 'taboo' is probably too strong a word, but 'respectful caution' placed on use of the name of The One, so incorporating it into a personal name would be unlikely.

"Amandil" or "Amandur" (friend/servant/follower of Aman/ - literally the Blessed Realm, but used by Tolkien as 'heaven') are legitimate names (Elendil's father was Amandil) and would probably be the closest that an Elf would get to including Eru in a personal name.

Elcalion, translatory

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