Subject: The Lost Sand Ninja
Posted on: 2016-09-25 23:08:00 UTC

Chapter One
Somewhere in Personnel...
"I still say getting booted to Personnel was unfair," ex-Agent Kara grumbled from behind a stack of paperwork. "I was trying to help!"

"By burying both of your coworkers, several interns, Agent Cooper, Agent Jack, and Luxury in hot sand up to their necks?" asked Quen. The secretary didn't do punishment detail, which was why the Marquis had called it "training a new hire and undersecretary."

Kara finished two files and shrugged. "It's supposed to be good for your circulation and pores. I did everything right, too. I passed out flyers, I got consent from everyone, I had Mittens and the RMC warn people about my powers so no one would scream, I made sure I didn't overdo it--"

"I notice 'telling the Flowers' doesn't appear in your list of precautions," the alien girl deadpanned.

Thud went Kara's head onto her desk, scattering paperwork. "Uuuuggggh. Mom was right. I never should've left Sunagakure."

"Someone would have killed you if you hadn't left."

"I'm already dead. This is payment for my crimes." Kara picked her head back up and put the completed files in her outbox. "Seriously, how many people work here, anyway? Counting the ones who don't go on missions?"

"You know, I don't think anyone's ever done the math on that," said Quen thoughtfully. "But no one's done the math on how many crewmen there are on the Enterprise, either."

"The what?" asked Kara, finishing three more files and picking up three more her headdesk had scattered.

Quen did a double-take. "'ve never heard of the Enterprise?"

"Should I have?" said Kara.


Kara shrugged again and passed the next week's cafeteria menus to the alien. "So, no big deal."

The girls were silent for a minute before Kara spoke up again. "There's one other thing I don't understand."


"Why did Luxury show up when I never invited her, and how come I didn't notice her until Cooper screamed? Is she a ninja too?"

Now it was Quen's turn to headdesk. Repeatedly.

"What? It's a fair assumption!"

Author's note: Yay, comedy fic! Please review so I have a reason to write more about Kara's (not-) adventures!

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