Subject: hohoho, I got kewl storiz!!1
Posted on: 2016-09-20 18:49:00 UTC

Zey are abaout tou siupah azants. Richard is suepah ajent of the PPC, with hiz syupah girlfriend, ah parner, Marina, who is a great wizard, who can do tech stuff and magic stuff at ze saime taime, not laike zis wik Dressden.

Richard is aosom tou, he kill Siu wif tou souordz aned iuzing a PErusona bicoz hi got tiz issiu in hiz heat. And when he want to do really esplozif stufff, he stzealz esplossifs to shoot hiz enemiz.

And togezer zey kill all ze worzt Siu, and zey are friendz wiv oll ze ajentz in PPC. Spchially Aviator. Chiz coul.

((Cannot believe I'm writing that.))

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