Subject: End anozeur stori!11!
Posted on: 2016-09-21 23:33:00 UTC

Ze mine gai wont stop mi, jest bicoz Aim Frentch iznt a risone to tok to mi laik zis!

Richard end Marina are sent on e michion by ze bad Floouerz, hou haite Ajants. eunefortunételi, ze glitterbag zey ave to kill iz a bad troll, hou iz a bad writer on purepoz. it iz called Destroier, and it iz réli bad mini.

Leukili, Richard end Marina are ossome. Eu majic word f Marina méq ze mini euneibeul tou mouve, zen Richard shout hiz éd wiv hiz Evokeur for Perusona, bicoz hi nid it "Perusonah", hi sayz, and zen hiz ossome Perusona killz ze mini Troll.

((I began the accent thing as a spur of the moment thing, then continued because that was just too funny.))

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