Subject: Darkheart & Lightheart: Chappie 4!!!!
Posted on: 2016-09-23 14:42:00 UTC

An/ tahnks MidnightMariposa097 && Amomynous for ur revuews!

"We're going to have go to back in time to before the badfic got the Avatar pregnant and make her pregnant ourselves!

Jaycacia blinked. "What?"

The Avatar blinked. "What?"

"It's the only way!" stated Zeb. "We can't make the baby go away or else we could destroy the entire time continuum!"

"He's right you know," said the Avatar, putting away her guns. "That's what would happen if you took my baby."

"Thanks, partner." Zeb smiled at her. "But if we go back and make her have a different baby in her instead, then everything will be fine! And also Acacia will never be born, so you won't have to have a bad mother."

"Wow," said Jaycacia, "that makes a lot of sense. But how are we going to go back in time?"

"Oh that's easy," said the Avatar. "I have a Tardies which we can use."

"But you can't come!" said Zeb. "If you see your past self that would destroy the time continuum!"

"But no it won't," said the Avatar. "Because that was before I regenerated so I looked different (a/n here babie wos okae wehn she regnertated so dot' worrt!)."

"Oh okay then," said Zeb. "Let's go!"

So Jaycacia and Zeb and the Avatar went to the Avatar's Tardies and got into it. "Engage!" shouted the Avatar, and the Tardies read her mind and transported them back to when the Avatar got pregnant with the badfic. Then they stepped out and looked around for her.

"Oh no!" shouted Jaycacia, pointing at where the Avatar (a/n teh old on mot the nev one!) was getting into bed with the badfic. "We're too late!"


Acacia leant on the windowsill, gazing out at the city. "You know, there's a poet around somewhere who insists on comparing Rome to a woman - beautiful, wise, faithful, all that."

Jay looked up from the roasted dormouse she had been dubiously prodding. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." Acacia looked down at the page in her hand. "Sometimes I wonder if he's ever met a real woman."

"Hey, now, that's not fair." Jay surreptitously wiped her greasy finger on her sleeve. "There's lots of- some- there's got to be at least one woman who's really like that."

"I'm reading Jaycacia Thornbyrd stories." Acacia carefully tore off a corner of the paper and began to fold it in half repeatedly. "It's not exactly conducive to faith in humanity..."

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