Subject: Ticket to Ride – Choose Your Own Epilogue
Posted on: 2016-09-20 23:38:00 UTC

Did you read "The Making of a Queen aka. The raison d’être"?

Yes – continue at 2
No – continue at 1

Go read it now, at least the charge list near the end.

Continue at 5.

Did the charge list contain "inventing tickets for the Hogwarts Express"?

Yes – continue at 4
No – continue at 3

As soon as the two agents arrived in RC #1953, the human ran to the console, brought the RMC and Mittens’ mission report up to the screen and scrolled down to the reading of the charge list. "We did it!" he crowed, turning to wrap his arms around Androiaavata and sweeping her up. "It’s actually changed! We broke through the Creativity Shield!"

Androiaavata struggled to escape. "Do you really think this is something good?"

A voice droned from the general direction of the ceiling.


[Expletive not translated]!

Continue at 6.

As soon as the two agents arrived in RC #1953, the human ran to the console, brought the RMC and Mittens’ mission report up to the screen and scrolled down to the reading of the charge list. His face fell, and he used again some of the words the UT never translated. "It’s still there", he continued. "[Expletive] Creativity Shield!"

"You know," said Androia thoughtfully, "there might be a solution for this problem."

The male agent turned around to glare at her unbelievingly. "And what would that be? The Creativity Shield is assumed to be unbreakable!"

"Ask for Permission and get us into the real PPC, where we can actually achieve something. Did you really never think of this?"

[Expletive not translated]!

Continue at 6.

Did you read it?

Yes – continue at 2
No – continue at 1

A/N: Is this the end of the Department of Inaccuracies and its self-insert agent? One never knows. There’s still the issue of Agent Mordecai Lee in "A Very Alternate Source of Mental Agony" (Link: saying that Hermione Granger was not fifteen years old at the time of the Yule Ball. But since this didn’t go onto the charge list (and PitViperOfDoom is not available for "beta reading"), there is hope that Dark Lady Jane will not return to complain about it.

((Serious question: What would the community think about taking on a faulty mission report without asking for the author's consent? Obviously such an attempt would be condemned to fail, because it is impossible to break the creativity shield and actually change an existing mission report as long as this report’s author doesn’t agree. It still may be a way to acknowledge that the PPC is not infallible, like an errata for a printed book, but funnier than just a list of known errors.

ETA: This was initially written more than a year ago, but then Imperial Liechtenstein invaded Fanfic World. So, since I actually got Permission now, I would also like to know what the community thinks about making the Department of Inaccuracies a canon department. After all, PPCing the PPC may not be as bad an idea as I thought when I started this trilogy.

And although these are the badfic games, serious reviews – or sporkings – would be appreciated too. I’m still learning this job. I hope that everything bad in this mission report is intentionally so, and that everything I intended to be bad is actually perceived as typical badfic. But how can I know if you don’t tell me?


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