Subject: Not Quite Myself (Part 1!)
Posted on: 2016-09-22 01:42:00 UTC

Soo… I was thinking about the PPC recently, and it's cool and all, but I want to try something a little different. Tweak it a little! So I came up with this! Please enjoy! ( ^_^ )


Cornelius felt it almost immediately, as soon as he woke up. There was something off about… well, everything. Not in an obvious way, mind you; it was as if someone had moved the entirety of reality about two feet to the left while he had slept. Nothing seemed different. And yet, everything seemed different.

The feeling stuck with him as he got dressed and wandered into the main response center. It was countered slightly by the smell of fresh coffee.

Yeah. Coffee. Maybe that would clear his head.

Cornelius had just poured himself a mug when a holographic image of a young woman flickered to life over the large projector in the center of the room. The familiar figure smiled and nodded to him, causing her virtual pigtails to bobble slightly.

“Good morning, Agent Watson,” she said crisply.

“Morning, Rachel,” Cornelius replied. “What’s the good word?”

Various statistics began to appear in the air around the artificial intelligence. “Everything is proceeding nominally regarding our technical status,” she said. “There have been no pressing alerts regarding badfic, but Intelligence reports suggest that we may soon face a higher-than-normal number of Overtale-related AU missions. There is also the matter of… Agent Watson, are you unwell?”

Cornelius wrinkled his brow. “What makes you ask that?”

Rachel glanced down at the mug in his hands. “Typically, you consumed at least half of your coffee by this point in my morning briefing. You have instead done nothing but drum your fingers on it. Vital scans and stance analysis also suggests that you are slightly stressed.”

“I… I don’t know.” Cornelius set down his coffee and ran his hands over his bald scalp. “I’m just feeling a little weird. Can’t really say what’s up.”

“I’m not sure I understand. Are you in need of services from Medical or FicPsych?”

“What? No! It’s just a strange feeling. Like something’s off.”

Rachel’s expression softened a bit. “Perhaps taking a walk might help relieve this feeling,” she said. “We have been fielding more than our usual amount of missions. It’s only natural this might take a toll on you in some way.”

“I don’t know. Besides, what if something comes up? I don’t want to leave you hanging."

“I can cover for you if anything come up. Take your time.” She smiled again. “If my hard light projector were active, this would be the part where I would pat you reassuringly on the shoulder.”

Cornelius chuckled a bit. “All right. Maybe you’ve got something. I’ll take a quick walk, see if that clears anything up.”


More to come soon! Please comment with good vibes, ya ya!

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