Subject: "Emiranlanoamar?"
Posted on: 2015-03-26 05:18:00 UTC

Rina's relief was so visible it was almost embarrassing. "Oh, thank goodness, Desdendelle told me about you, but things kept coming up and I've been so busy with refiling paperwork I haven't had the chance to come and find you or Morgan or the Disentangler and then —"

She cut herself off when she realized she was rambling and again glanced nervously at the Notary. "The Notary was the first Time Lord I met and..." She shuddered violently. "I really didn't have the best of luck finding the nice Time Lords."

It was at this point she realized she'd been neglecting the Guardsman's question. "My name's Sabrina Dives, but everyone calls me Rina. I can't tell you how glad I am to meet you."

((Methinks Rina's just a wee bit terrified of the Notary. But who can blame her? Anyway, bed for me as well.))

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