Subject: Valon tilted his head at the meniton of Star Trek.
Posted on: 2015-03-26 04:23:00 UTC

"Hm, never really got into Star Trek, that was always more my dad's thing."

Before he said anything else, Kala shot him a glare, and Valon remembered why he'd been stung.

"... ah. Right. I'm going to go back to the RC and play with Sumisu before I say something else I regret." He rather hurriedly walked out of Rudi's.

Kala turned back to Rina and sighed. "I kinda wish he had more of a spine than that, sometimes. Sues are nothing, but if you're a PPC agent and you even threaten him with violence, he folds like origami. He hates scaring people and making them angry."

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