Subject: "Well, there's a gradient of weirdness here..."
Posted on: 2015-02-20 19:26:00 UTC

Fire Flash fiddled with her soft drink's crazy straw. "There's the 'lost-my-marbles' kind of weirdness you see from people that have been here for too long, there's the 'nonhuman' agent kind of weird-- me, Big Bro, your partner-- and then there's the Flowers."

"Not to mention that some types of weirdness gravitates towards certain departments," added Taldaris. "I found that a lot of the alien or super-strong humans tend to gravitate towards the Security Departments."

"Heh, like us, right? Yeah, and the ones that read fics in their off time tend to wind up in FicPsych."

"That's not what--"

"Anyways! Vance. What led you to the PPC? I'm guessing it wasn't for the people of the food," said Fire Flash.

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