Subject: "Dwah!"
Posted on: 2015-02-20 02:43:00 UTC

Valon, who had been rather engrossed in tales of jousting dwarfs, almost flew out of his seat. "I am high-strung and oblivious, no sneaky sneaky!"

However, his gaunt face lit up when he realized what the larger agent was. "Ooh, a Protoss! En taro Tassadar!" Valon laughed nervously. "I used to play StarCraft, but, uh... I usually played Zerg. What can I say, I'm a fan of strength in numbers." He turned his attention to the pony. "I'm actually an ex-brony. When I did like the show, Pinkie Pie was my favorite character, so it's okay to be an earth pony. As for why I sat here, well, I'm just more comfortable near walls and corners."

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