Subject: Benoît smiled and leaned back in his chair.
Posted on: 2015-02-20 00:45:00 UTC

"Nah, not a problem. All four of these guys came with me when I fell into HQ about... a year ago? Yeah, that seems about right." The DIA officer pointed at Buck. "This guy here. First on the team. He's a gift from my parents who are a Pokémon Breeders back home. I knew him ever since he was a kid-- he still hasn't grown much, has he? Truth be told, he isn't much one for fighting-- Owen, Victoria, and Maxwell are sent out more often than he is."

Benoît pointed at Owen next. "Second to arrive. Buck and I used to go Pokémon hunting just east of our hometown. I had managed to save up enough money to buy two Great Balls and I was going to find me a rare 'mon and catch it. I spent three days fighting hordes of Litleos until he showed up. It was a big fight: Buck nearly got knocked out and I had to use both of my Great Balls to catch him. Over time the three of us became great friends and Owen evolved into a Lucario."

"I met Victoria north of my hometown during a family picnic. Of course she was a Ralts back then and she just kept on following us no matter where we moved our stuff! Owen didn't do anything to stop her and Buck actually fell asleep with her at his side so I pretty much let her follow us home. She allowed herself to be primed to a Pokéball and we've been travelling together ever since."

Maxwell dashed over to Benoît's lap and stared up at his trainer. "Me! Me! I'm next!"

The DIA officer scratched behind his Jolteon's ears. "Ha! Of course you are, mate. I met this guy on Route 10. I was actively hunting for Pokémon and he was the first to turn up. I later found a thunderstone in the grass nearby and evolved him into a Jolteon. He may be the biggest fool you ever set eyes on but this guy is the definition of a clutch player: he's got luck, attitude, and won't ever say 'die'. Ain't that right, Maxwell?"

"Yeah! Yeah! That's me!" said Maxwell, grinning broadly. Owen flicked a piece of his last Poké puff towards Maxwell, who leapt and twisted in midair to catch it in his mouth.

Benoît smiled as Maxwell rushed over to Owen to try and beg for more food. "So, what about you? Did you have a trainer or did you come from the wilds?"

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