Subject: Two DMS agents and a DoSAT intern walk into a bar,
Posted on: 2015-02-19 17:33:00 UTC

It sounded like the beginning of a bad joke, and Alex made sure to say so.

Zeb frowned. "I feel like I'm missing something."

"It's just a standard joke setup," Rina said, sliding into a booth. "You know, a hag, an ogre, and a troll walk into a bar? A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead walk into a bar?"

Zeb shook his head. "Never heard of that, sorry." He remained standing at the end of the table; the booths weren't really designed with Luxrays in mind.

Alex gave him an odd look. "Do they not have humor in Sinnoh?" He yelped when his sister kicked him under the table. "What was that for?" He tried to kick her back, but ended up hitting her seat instead.

"Don't be so rude, okay?" she said, looking over the menu. "Hmm, I think I'll just go for Polar Expresshot chocolate again."

"Ooh, they have that?" Alex asked, his eyes widening. "Sweet!"

"I'll probably just get some Poffins," Zeb said.

Once they'd gotten their food, they settled into a comfortable silence, though Alex started bouncing anxiously in his seat and looking interestedly at the other patrons.

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