Subject: The male angel drew a card as well...
Posted on: 2015-03-09 03:09:00 UTC

...before taking another swig of Bleeport. "Whaddya mean, V.R. will be the Card Czar? I'm perfectly fine! *hic*"
"My guess is that you do not handle fermented substances well," Ripper said calmly.
"But Bleeport is a synthetic wine! It's not like it's going to get me in any trouble..."
As Ripper watched, Cupid drank another mouthful of the Bleeport, and promptly started singing Pit's victory song prior to his visit to the Lunar Sanctum, albeit badly slurred and interrupted by periodic hiccuping.
"In any case, should you become too incapacitated to proceed, I'll take over for you," the Deinonychus said with a shrug. "I'm curious now - does this... 'game'... function like some of the other card games I've seen my handlers play? Like say, bridge or crazy eights?"

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