Subject: In which some dinosaurs and an angel say hello.
Posted on: 2015-02-19 18:34:00 UTC

"What is this place, brother?" Velociripper asked anxiously, stepping into the pub after Falchion.
"Rudi's pub," the Skarmory replied. "Rashida told me she visits this place every once in a while to unwind. I'm not sure why she'd come here, but I guess it's worth a try."
"If they sell Sue flesh, I'll definitely consider it."
"They don't, sadly. But I'm pretty sure they'll be happy to provide a hadrosaur steak or two if you ask politely."
The two of them were just about to look for a table when they noticed a brown-haired angel in a pink toga sitting at the bar. He was halfway through his goblet of dark red drink when he turned to see the two of them, his blue eyes widening in surprise.
"Shinseina tawagoto! IT'S A DINOSAUR!" he cried, immediately bolting for Ripper. "I'M GONNA *hic* WRASSLE IT!!!"
Before the Deinonychus could respond, he'd grabbed him by the neck and suplexed him. Ripper managed to roll over and try to throw him off, but Falchion was quicker.
The angel yelped as he felt a sharp peck in the backside, and his grip loosened just enough for the Skarmory to yank him off the raptor agent with one of his taloned feet.
"Sorry, kid, but we don't wrestle other agents around these parts," he clucked in a mixture of embarrassment and amusement.
"Oh, he's an agent too?" the angel half-slurred. "Sorry, I *hic* didn't know!"
"You wouldn't have," Falchion warbled cheekily.
"It appears that I'm not the only newcomer around here," Ripper snorted, detecting the faint scent of glitter from the angel who had just glomped him. "What is your name?"
"I'm Cupid!" the angel said cheerfully, before hiccuping yet again. "I just got recruited a little while ago, so I thought I'd make myself known!"
"Throwing another agent across the pub isn't exactly how I'd make a name for myself, honestly," Falchion laughed. "But y'know, no pressure. Anyway, why don't you bring your drinks over here and hang out with us?"
"What was that you were just drinking, anyway?" asked Ripper as the two paravian agents (the term coming from the group of dinosaurs more closely related to modern birds than Oviraptor) took a table and looked through the menu.
"Bleeport," Cupid replied cheerfully, picking up his goblet and bottle before heading over to their table. "Bleeprin-laced synthetic fortified wine!"
Falchion took one look at the angel, and warbled another laugh. "This explains so much..."

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